2012年7月22日 星期日

My Learning Experience - Joy and Challenges

After reading an article about two visually impaired pupils were both achieved outstanding results in this year A-levels .I've gotten a inspiration.
They are perseverant all the time even they suffer from physical disability,um..i believe i can do it better unless i change my attitude of learning!
Focusing on a thing is my obstacle all the time..maybe its a syndrome of Hyperactivity...haha
But i'll defeat the demon in my deeper heart.
My academic result does not perform well....especially in Chinese language.
Chinese language is seems like easy to every pupil....but it is a tremendous disaster to me.I 'd never get pass in previous exam .I therefore hate Chinese subject and put zero effort on it. However,the classical Chinese is a big part in proportion, it almost drives me crazy.....zzZzz
 I'm in adversity right now! I've no assurance to get pass in public exam , but i believe practice makes perfect! I'll try to simplify this unintelligible subject...zzZzz

As next HKDSE is coming up.. i really need to pay more effort intent to catch up my Chinese standard. Although it is very tough, i must banish every obstruction in my runway of getting university.
I swear not to waste time, i can do it, i must do it! because we are all have aspirations!

-stay hungry, stay foolish.

2 則留言:

  1. Pay more attention in Chinese lessons and do more past paper can help you to improve your Chinese language.

  2. My Chinese standard is bad too!!! So we need to pay more attention on Chinese Lesson that can improve our Chinese Language
